the everyman memoirs

The official blog of author Tali Nay.

Tali Nay Tali Nay

How to Lose a Toenail

It was slow going (and still is even after much improvement), but to think that I went from being sure running was impossible for me to running a half marathon—a full 13 miles without stopping—is truly amazing to me. It made crossing that finish line, and every step along the way, mean more than it probably does to most other half finishers.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

The Launch of Auntie

And just like that, Auntie is officially launched! The launch signing at Warwick’s was a perfect way to start, and I enjoyed connecting with friends, family, and strangers all afternoon.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

A Year of Wonder

In any case, I’ve been looking for things to keep my post-holiday spirits up, and a new year is always a deliciously optimistic proposition to me. Because anything can happen.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

nog season

Holiday time is so delightful, from the treats to the decorations to the extra excuses to buy things to the overall extra amount of happiness and hope that seem to be fostered without any additional effort.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

First Copy

It’s here! The first proof copy of my new book! Auntie was a definite labor of love, and I was so excited to be sent the first copy this week in preparation for the January launch.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

going batty

This is the carrot cake that won me 2nd place in the dessert category at this year’s Halloween Party. It’s more picturesque than the chili that won me 3rd place in the chili cook-off, but I have to say, I was super proud of both!

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

Playing Tourist

I recently had family in town and had the chance to play tourist again. It’s always so fun to have an excuse to do some of your favorite things, especially with people who are new to them.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

Spinning the Lyrics

I had the chance to see my favorite band perform last weekend, and it was really such a good concert. I’ve always loved the Counting Crows’ lyrics, and of course their melodies, too.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

The Most Charming Dairy Queen

I love these slices of America that feel vintage, as if some spirit has been preserved. Before buildings and downtowns get makeovers, before small ranch houses get torn down and replaced by luxury condos, before Mom and Pop shops give way to malls and other developments. It feels nice to run into something original. Even if it’s as simple as ice cream on a Saturday night.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

It’s All in the Detail

I’d also never been under the Coronado Bridge, so I’d never seen the beautiful architecture that can really only be seen from a boat.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

Coast to Coast

I had the chance since I last posted to be in New York City, and it had been 5 years since I’d last visited. Of course, being there brought back all kinds of memories…having lived there before moving to California.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

Backyard Season

And so we’re adjusting to a much more backyard-filled life. One where the patio door is almost always open. One where we sit together in the sun (under an umbrella) instead of on the couch. And honestly, I think it’s been good for both of us.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

Keep Austin Weird

I was recently in Austin for the first time, and while work trips never really give you much opportunity to explore cities in the way you can as a tourist, I did find it to have a fun, hip vibe.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

A Celebration is in Order

It might look like I’m celebrating the annual Food & Wine Festival at California Adventure Park, which I was. I was also celebrating a birthday, spring in general, and a few much-needed days off work. I’ve been celebrating UConn’s journey to another March Madness championship game (I picked them winning in my bracket), today’s eclipse, and a new delicious lemon recipe to make with all my tree’s lemons.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

The ‘vid

Well, after avoiding it for 4 years, I finally caught Covid.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

Progress Update

Do you ever consider where you were when you read a certain book? Or who gave you the book? Who recommended it?

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

home for the holidays

It surely looks different for everyone, these ideas of home and family, but I do hope each of you gets whatever form of home and family you are needing this Christmas.

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Tali Nay Tali Nay

Write on…and buy books!

I participated in Oceanside’s “Write On” event yesterday, a wonderful day that celebrates writing, books, and authors.

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