the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
LeBron James: He Gone?
It was never a question of whether or not I would go. And, despite the epic hard-coreness that is my fandom, it was never really a question of whether or not the Cavs would win the championship. I would go, and they would lose.
The LeBron James Bottle of Bubbly
Something people might not know about me is that I love the NBA. I was able to take in two Cavaliers games this week, and I was reminiscing with my fellow game-goers last night about how wonderful the good years were. The Winning Years.
Clash of the Titus
This little kid is so cute!! If you haven't seen the videos, watch them all...including the one with Gregg Marshall.
What’s not to like??
My cousin texted me last night: “Another #1 pick for the cavs? Must be nice to have three of them in 9 years.”
The Basketball Work Party
I recently switched departments at the office, and my new crew had just completed a project when I joined them.
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