the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
A Celebration is in Order
It might look like I’m celebrating the annual Food & Wine Festival at California Adventure Park, which I was. I was also celebrating a birthday, spring in general, and a few much-needed days off work. I’ve been celebrating UConn’s journey to another March Madness championship game (I picked them winning in my bracket), today’s eclipse, and a new delicious lemon recipe to make with all my tree’s lemons.
Smell Like a Woman
A certain gentleman in my circle gave me Chanel No. 5 for my birthday a few months ago. For the record, I had never before owned Chanel No. 5. I had never before even smelled Chanel No. 5. It’s just out of my league; one of those perfumes I always figured I had no business wearing.
The Birthday Effect
It’s birthday month. I love birthday month, but it takes a toll. On my waistline. Take that with a grain of salt though, because I’m one of those fortunate (unfortunate?) waifs who seem to be just as waif-like despite my diet.
End of an Era
People have asked me what it feels like now that I'm a gemologist. And while it's hard to say that "the same" and "amazing" can both be valid answers, they sort of are. It's like you feel after your older, but you'd like to think you are changed somehow nonetheless. And of course every day there is still the recollection of last week's exam, how hard it was, learning I passed, the satisfaction and amazement still fresh.
The Bucket List
I've been plugging away at the NYC version of my bucket list. My birthday was probably the greatest progress I've made yet--Pippin Vintage Jewelry (which I've since been back to), the elusive Central Park Carousel, etc.--and since I last updated this blog, I've gone to my first Knicks game and seen the Rockettes.
The Birthday List
I made a list this year. Not of what I wanted, but what I wanted to do on my birthday. It's the first time I've lived in such a big city for my birthday, and also the first time I've been unemployed, so it was really the first birthday I've had where I felt not only like the whole day was really mine, but also like the sky was indeed the limit.
We Are So Young
Yes, this picture proves that I didn't blow out my own candles on my 2nd birthday. And also that my sister had way better hair than I did.
Birthday Week
Remember when I said this? I still believe that writing is like picking teams, at least the way I do it, but I've been surprised as I've been writing up the last topics on my list for book #2 at just how much I've had to say about them.
- New York City
- life
- author
- reading
- Jeweled
- Editing
- Dreams
- Disneyland
- Summer
- Fooled
- Covid-19
- lockdown
- publishing
- auntie
- Central Park
- San Diego
- Love
- Christmas
- Family
- memoirs
- gemology
- vacation
- Cleveland Cavaliers
- moving
- Jewelry
- Tiffany and Co.
- Author Fair
- Work
- Diamonds
- cat lady
- book signing
- Change
- Risks
- New Years Eve
- Home
- Singleton
- Spring
- Gratitude
- memories
- cats
- Fall
- Winter
- kindle
- Hope
- running
- Goodreads
- writing
- books
- Cleveland
- Manuscript
- Schooled
- Cat
- California
- travel
- Oregon
- Goals
- book launch
- New Years resolutions
- book sales
- Birthday
- writers
- Valentines Day
- beach
- progress
- Yuppie
- book reviews
- Lebron James
- Single
- Decisions
- holidays
- libraries
- Disney
- basketball
- Newbie
- quarantine
- Billy Collins
- Typesetting
- March Madness
- People