the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
How to Lose a Toenail
It was slow going (and still is even after much improvement), but to think that I went from being sure running was impossible for me to running a half marathon—a full 13 miles without stopping—is truly amazing to me. It made crossing that finish line, and every step along the way, mean more than it probably does to most other half finishers.
The Launch of Auntie
And just like that, Auntie is officially launched! The launch signing at Warwick’s was a perfect way to start, and I enjoyed connecting with friends, family, and strangers all afternoon.
A Year of Wonder
In any case, I’ve been looking for things to keep my post-holiday spirits up, and a new year is always a deliciously optimistic proposition to me. Because anything can happen.
First Copy
It’s here! The first proof copy of my new book! Auntie was a definite labor of love, and I was so excited to be sent the first copy this week in preparation for the January launch.
Mother’s day when you’re not a mother
I hope all women helping to influence and shape the coming generations (so, all women) feel valued, loved, and honored, on this Mother’s Day and always. Keep that shit up.
massive summer catch-up
It’s been a while! Because you’re reading this on a brand new website! The format will look familiar (read: the same), but all the content has been moved to a new website host. And there was a LOT of content. So here’s a quick rundown on some highlights of the last 3 months:
- Editing
- Summer
- Covid-19
- auntie
- Central Park
- New York City
- life
- author
- reading
- Jeweled
- Dreams
- Cleveland Cavaliers
- Disneyland
- Fooled
- book signing
- lockdown
- publishing
- San Diego
- Love
- Christmas
- Family
- gemology
- Jewelry
- Author Fair
- Work
- cat lady
- Risks
- Spring
- Gratitude
- memories
- cats
- Fall
- Goodreads
- writing
- books
- Cat
- memoirs
- Oregon
- Goals
- vacation
- moving
- Tiffany and Co.
- Diamonds
- Change
- Decisions
- New Years Eve
- Home
- Singleton
- basketball
- Winter
- kindle
- Hope
- running
- Schooled
- California
- book sales
- Birthday
- writers
- beach
- progress
- Yuppie
- Disney
- Cleveland
- Manuscript
- travel
- Newbie
- book launch
- New Years resolutions
- Valentines Day
- book reviews
- Lebron James
- Single
- holidays
- libraries
- quarantine
- Billy Collins
- Typesetting
- March Madness
- People