the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
LeBron James: He Gone?
It was never a question of whether or not I would go. And, despite the epic hard-coreness that is my fandom, it was never really a question of whether or not the Cavs would win the championship. I would go, and they would lose.
Picture This
Picture booking a trip to Cleveland for game 6 of the NBA finals and then realizing with your team down 3-0 that game 6 is likely not to happen. Picture changing your plans at the last minute and booking the last seat on a plane to Cleveland for game 4.
On Waxing Pensive at Year End
I remember in high school being asked by an English teacher to make a list of things I wanted to do before I was 30. It was an interesting exercise for a class of teenagers from a very small town, where dreaming big wasn't something that always came naturally, but I took it very seriously. I was one of those who could always be counted on to dream big.
Cleveland Against The World
It was almost hard to root against the Cubs. Unless you’re me. In which case it was very easy. Because Cleveland is my heart.
For Cleveland
The thing about Cleveland is it was only mine for seven years. That’s as long as I lived there. But it’s the first city that really felt like mine; the first city that saw me moving across the country, knowing no one, and beginning to build a life for myself. It’s also the first city I ever lived in that had an NBA team. So, in a way, the Cavaliers were probably destined to be mine, too.
Top Ten Moving Moments
Hello from the Pacific time zone. How good does that sound? No more staying up until midnight (or after) watching sporting events. I'd driven from Michigan to Utah once (and back again) many years ago, but this cross-country venture was truly that.
I just spent a week in Cleveland. I know it's not home anymore, but it still felt an awful lot like a homecoming.
Post Script
Remember how I said I wasn't sure I wanted him back? Well something about seeing the James jerseys around town, the non-stop chatter and speculation, the various "come home" pleas, Michael Symon's promise of an LBJ burger.
The Obligatory LeBron Post
OK, fine.
I will answer the big question. (That only one person has asked me.)
I will tell you what I think.
As a Clevelander.
And an NBA fan.
And a stubborn-ass grudge-holding never-forgetter.
The LeBron James Bottle of Bubbly
Something people might not know about me is that I love the NBA. I was able to take in two Cavaliers games this week, and I was reminiscing with my fellow game-goers last night about how wonderful the good years were. The Winning Years.
I Need to get on Board
As an Ohioan, I make this confession at great risk of peril, but I've never been able to embrace the Buckeyes. And I'm not sure why this is, as I fell in love with the Cavaliers the moment I moved to Cleveland.
Flee to the Cleve
You know that episode of Friends when Chandler and Monica take Erica on a tour of NYC and Chandler comes back to their apartment all decked out in touristy garb and declares, "New York is awesome!" He explains, "I've been to these places before, but I've never really seen them, you know." Now isn't that always the way.
What’s not to like??
My cousin texted me last night: “Another #1 pick for the cavs? Must be nice to have three of them in 9 years.”
Out With the Old
Well, it's over. Monopoly has officially booted the Iron game piece in favor of--inexplicably--a cat.
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