Lizzie’s School Story

In sixth grade we had a Phantom of the Opera section where we all read the book and then went to see the play. I remember vividly as my teacher read the last chapter to us out loud. She was crying.

This moment showed me how to let books affect me, and that it's great when they do. I cry all the time when I read books now, and I've never felt weird about that.

Tali Nay

Tali Nay always wanted to be a fiction writer and was thus surprised when "real life" is what came out when she actually sat down to write something substantial. Tali studied writing in college, and then—entirely by accident—found herself working in business. She went on to earn an MBA, although recently left Corporate America in order to pursue her dream of becoming a gemologist. After a stint in New York City earning her diploma at the GIA, Tali now works in the gemology industry and lives in San Diego, California.

From Readers: Jewel Transformation


Kristen's School Story