the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
nog season
Holiday time is so delightful, from the treats to the decorations to the extra excuses to buy things to the overall extra amount of happiness and hope that seem to be fostered without any additional effort.
Goals…and running toward them
One thing I do have my sights set on is running, as one of my 2022 goals had been to run a race. I ended up running 3 of them in 2022, all 5Ks, and when I’d set out as a new runner early in the pandemic, being able to run a 5K was really my only eventual goal. Having met it, and really having enjoyed the process, I found myself gradually increasing the distance of my runs. To the point that I knew I wanted to tackle a 10K in 2023.
The Letter
Every New Year’s Eve I write a letter to myself. I type it, actually, on the vintage typewriter I bought with my tax return while living in New York City. I do this partly because the typewriter was expensive and I’m still trying to get my money’s worth.
What’s in a Year?
What is a year, really? There’s that iconic Rent song, of course, that boils it all down to love—probably a more accurate measure than we realize. But if you really take a look at a year, what is it?
I would give a writing update, only I don't have one. Like, none at all. Because I haven't been writing. It's shameful. Not to say there's nothing in the works, because I did recently get asked to contribute to a book of essays being published and had a fun (read: rather torturously self-reflective) time writing that one, and I may be part of a group of single women writers launching a blog forum in the near future, so, there are writerly things happening. But as for progress toward my next book, who has the time? The answer is, not me.
- Editing
- Covid-19
- auntie
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- Jeweled
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- Fooled
- book signing
- lockdown
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- gemology
- Jewelry
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- cat lady
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- Singleton
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- memoirs
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- moving
- Tiffany and Co.
- Diamonds
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- March Madness
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