the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
A Celebration is in Order
It might look like I’m celebrating the annual Food & Wine Festival at California Adventure Park, which I was. I was also celebrating a birthday, spring in general, and a few much-needed days off work. I’ve been celebrating UConn’s journey to another March Madness championship game (I picked them winning in my bracket), today’s eclipse, and a new delicious lemon recipe to make with all my tree’s lemons.
Here for the Snacks
My partner in Disney crime and I just completed a triumphant return to adult Disney-ing after a year and a half absence. Everything (with the exception perhaps of mobile ordering on all the food) is fabulous as always, from the rides to the characters to the snacks. Snacking in particular is something we're very good at when at Disneyland, and it always amazes me just how many options one has when considering food in the parks. Because it's on my mind and because the topics on this blog are entirely up to me, I've put Disney dining into the following buckets:
Blue Milk
I'll say this about Star Wars Land: you certainly feel while there as if you have left Disneyland and are somewhere, dare I say it, far, far away. Which is exactly the point. No churro carts, no frozen lemonade stands, no parades, no constant stream of upbeat ditties blaring through speakers.
- life
- reading
- Editing
- Dreams
- Summer
- Fooled
- Covid-19
- publishing
- auntie
- Central Park
- New York City
- author
- Jeweled
- San Diego
- Love
- Christmas
- Family
- gemology
- vacation
- Cleveland Cavaliers
- Disneyland
- Jewelry
- Author Fair
- Work
- cat lady
- book signing
- Risks
- Home
- Singleton
- Spring
- Gratitude
- memories
- cats
- Fall
- lockdown
- Hope
- running
- Goodreads
- writing
- books
- Cleveland
- Manuscript
- Schooled
- Cat
- California
- memoirs
- travel
- Oregon
- Goals
- moving
- book sales
- Birthday
- writers
- Tiffany and Co.
- beach
- Diamonds
- progress
- Yuppie
- Change
- book reviews
- Lebron James
- Single
- Decisions
- New Years Eve
- libraries
- Disney
- basketball
- Winter
- kindle
- Newbie
- book launch
- New Years resolutions
- quarantine
- Valentines Day
- Billy Collins
- Typesetting
- March Madness
- holidays
- People