the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
The Smart Phone Dilemma
Well, I think it's almost time, folks. Almost time for me to get a Smart phone. I've resisted for many reasons, most notably that I don't want to become dependent on it or spend more of my life than I already do online.
Why Twitter Trumps Facebook
I don't have a smart phone. Expression of regret. This significantly limits my social media time to about five minutes a day, but even with only that, I now prefer to spend them on Twitter. Here's why.
Throwback: Yellow Wallpaper
It's a funny thing, Twitter. I'm one of the worst users ever, as I don't have a smart phone, am hardly ever logged in, tweet rarely, and feel sort of silly in this "you have no followers" stage which I really see no end to.
Writing vs. Selling
While in the hallway this morning at work, a woman who knows about my book (is she my anonymous pen pal??) asked me how sales were.
Lessons from Tristan Prettyman
It's hard to call her a newcomer when she's got a few albums out there already, yet I doubt most people have heard of her until now. I only heard about her (earlier this year) because someone introduced me to her music.
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