the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
This is the line that officially completed my third manuscript, a manuscript I wrote the last 3000 words of this weekend. To be clear, these are not the last 3000 words of the book...just as the line above is not how the book's simply the conclusion of the last chapter I had left to write up. The one, I hate to say it, I've been avoiding because remembering it sort of sucked.
What I’ve Been Doing
Well I can tell you this: I certainly haven't been writing. Expression of regret. Especially since my third book is so least I like to think it sometimes it does make me sad that there's still so much left to write and that I've been so busy lately.
Murder Your Darlings
I finished the Stephen King book, and I really enjoyed it. The beginning section could have been longer (I loved reading about his early writer-life and how it all came together for him...fascinating), but I really did appreciate the guts of the book, particularly the sections focused on revising.
A Few Words About Genre Fiction
It's a funny thing, genre fiction. I always stayed away due to an assumption that it would be crappily written, and certainly beneath me and my English major tastes.
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