the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
Top Ten Moving Moments
Hello from the Pacific time zone. How good does that sound? No more staying up until midnight (or after) watching sporting events. I'd driven from Michigan to Utah once (and back again) many years ago, but this cross-country venture was truly that.
Post V-Day Post
Ah, the day of love. I don’t know why it’s any tougher for singletons to get through than any other day of the year. We are, after all, always alone. And not having a love on this one day seems far less gutting than not having a love for, you know, the entire year.
Three Bucks, Two Bags, One Me
Ok, so it was more like 3 bags (plus a backpack and my cat), but I arrived in NYC this week, this time to stay.
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