the everyman memoirs
The official blog of author Tali Nay.
How a Writer Measures Time
I have this thing I do, where if I buy something in bulk, I try and calculate the amount of time it will take before I need to buy it again. Then I picture what life might be like at that time; what might have happened in my life by then. And please understand that when I say I picture it, I really do. I spend moments of time waxing pensive over all the different possibilities, the different versions of life that may have played out.
If You End up at Costco When You Need to Buy Ink
If you end up at Costco when you need to buy ink, you may not be able to remember what cartridge your printer takes.
When a Writer Cleans House
I cleaned house yesterday. For seven hours. A few have expressed their bafflement as to how a house as small as mine could possibly take seven hours to clean, but this was a cleaning the likes of which I have never done in the 5 years I've lived here, at least not all at once.
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