Gifts for a Cat Lady

This is really a public service announcement for all cat owners, because this cat cave was the official hit of Christmas. But this is also just because it's worth mentioning that when you have a cat, the gifts you receive tend to take on a common theme. It's not a problem exactly. There's no reason why my house shouldn't be full of cat-covered or cat-related items...and yet, should it? 

I actually find most cat items adorable, just as I find most cats. Like the picture I just saw online of the cat up for adoption that looks like baby Yoda. Yet it's surprising how much simply having a cat makes these items appeal to the gift-givers in your life. I have countless pairs of cat socks, multiple cat blankets, stationery, bag clips, pillows. This Christmas alone I received, in addition to the cat cave pictured above, a cat-shaped ornament with space for a picture of your own cat, funny knitted paw covers for the kitchen chairs, a cat-themed tote bag, a 1000-piece cat puzzle, and a cat ring holder. 

I guess it's endearing, really. And I'm happy to be associated with cats if that's what it brings me, if that's what people think of when they think of how much I love my cat. It's been almost an entire decade with my petite tabby, and it occurred to me this week that this was the first Christmas I've spent with her. (As opposed to traveling.) There was something special about her interest in the wrapping paper and boxes, the cinnamon rolls coming out of the oven, and the new cat cave she promptly curled up in. So, yeah, bring on the cat gifts. I'm really the perfect audience. 


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