For the Love of Words

Admittedly, I think Toms are kind of ugly. But I fell in love with the sparly silver pair and decided I had to have them. (It's hard to resist anything that sparkles, as my readers will find out this spring when book #2 comes out.) But then I saw these...the pair covered with words and their definitions. If ever there were a perfect pair of shoes for an author, these are them. Except in reality, the perfect pair of shoes for an author would be much cheaper. Anyway, the word-loving part of me won out, so the sparkles will have to wait. For now.

Oh, and do you like how as soon as I decide I can finally get behind Ohio State, they lose? Not sure if that's ironic or if I'm just very, very bad luck, but this morning I find myself feeling a bit down about it. Make of that what you will.


Art is In


I Need to get on Board