massive summer catch-up

It’s been a while! Because you’re reading this on a brand new website! The format will look familiar (read: the same), but all the content has been moved to a new website host. And there was a LOT of content. So here’s a quick rundown on some highlights of the last 3 months:

I re-read a favorite book

I harvested all the apricots from my tree and made jam

I hiked God’s Thumb in Lincoln City, OR

I ran another race

I attended an author event

I saw David Duchovny in person (at the San Diego Tribune Festival of Books)

I got to have one of my favorite cookies (Swig) while visiting Salt Lake City

I took my nephew to Disneyland

I had Breakfast at Tiffanys

I grew a crocus

I decorated for Halloween

And Clementine has continued to do whatever she wants

And because I also, you know, write books, I can report that I am just about halfway done with the manuscript for book #6!

Tali Nay

Tali Nay always wanted to be a fiction writer and was thus surprised when "real life" is what came out when she actually sat down to write something substantial. Tali studied writing in college, and then—entirely by accident—found herself working in business. She went on to earn an MBA, although recently left Corporate America in order to pursue her dream of becoming a gemologist. After a stint in New York City earning her diploma at the GIA, Tali now works in the gemology industry and lives in San Diego, California.

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Blizzard Season